Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events in our Practice.
While many people turn to tap water to rinse their eyes, it may not always be safe. Find out when to use water, and what to use when you can't!
Did you know that your eyes are often the first line of defense when it comes to detecting and treating many common systemic diseases and conditions? It's true!
The struggle against dry eye every winter is real. Fortunately there are eye treatments and home remedies to relieve symptoms.
Having an autoimmune disease like Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus can affect your tear production and eye health.
Here's how eye exams helped save Katie's vision and quality of life. Call Optique to schedule your appointment.
Is your toddler blinking more frequently? Here are some potential reasons why.
Working at home has many benefits, but it can also trigger computer-related eye strain. Here are some proven ways to reduce digital eye strain, whether at home or in the office.
An eyelid twitch can develop for a number of reasons, and most of the time it’s not a cause for concern. Find out what may be causing your eye to twitch and what can relieve it.
Eye care is just as important for children as it is for adults. The sooner you teach your children how to care for their eyes, the more likely they will be to ingrain these habits for life. Here are some tips for kids!
When the emergency is related to your eyes, consider a trip to your optometrist's office instead of the ER. Here's why.
Eye herpes can cause several uncomfortable symptoms and recurring flare-ups. In extreme cases, it can lead to blindness. Discover how your eye doctor can help.
Do you ever wonder what makes your vision or prescription different from someone else's?
Puff test, Visual Field, OCT, Optomap... what is all of that?
Learn more about Ahlem, which is an independent eyewear brand that we carry at our Seaholm showroom.
Take up to 3 pairs of glasses to try for 24 hours to show friends or family! Keep some or none.
We hear this a lot at our office, so Dr. Z explained why this has become more common: One of the most common vision complaints that I get every day has to do with headaches, eyestrain and blurry near vision. This is a very common and expected result of aging that has to do with an eye condition called presbyopia.
We promised that our blog will include more personal tidbits about our doctors and staff, so I (Dr. Rhodes) asked Dr. Zemanovich (aka “Dr. Z”) to tell us more about himself. Here is what he said...